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Showing posts with the label Tarikh-i-Firuzshahi

A Muslim Chronicler Reminisces how Sultan Alauddin Khalji treated his Subjects (14th century India)

  Shams Siraj Afif was born in the mid-14th century to an aristocratic family that had served the Sultans of Delhi since the days of Alauddin Khalji. He had joined imperial service during the reign of Sultan Firuz Shah Tughlaq and watched the once mighty Sultanate gradually decline into insignificance. Central Asian raider Taimur's invasion and the subsequent sacking of Delhi (1398) destroyed the last vestiges of the empire's prestige. Chaos prevailed in the provinces and the local gentry raised the standard of revolt. Under these circumstances, Afif decided to write a chronicle titled, ‘ Tarikh-i-Firozshahi (History of Firozshah Tughlaq). It reflects Afif's desire for the restoration of the Sultanate’s power. In the following excerpt from his book, he recounts how things used to be during Alauddin Khalji's times. This also happens to be the birth story of Firoz Shah Tughaq, a future Sultan of Delhi : Three brothers, Tughlik, Abu-Bakr and Rajab arrived from Khurasan t...