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Poetry of Life and Action- Some Verses from the Vedas


Rishi Vashishta

“We would look upon the Sun every day

Bright in its luster and strong

Awakening every day in its ordained path

The eyes of the heavens would glow

We would see a hundred autumns

We would live a hundred autumns


There’s the bright Sun

The Sun that rises in the front

For the good of the world

We would live a hundred autumns

We would see a hundred autumns


We would listen to the truths of these hundred autumns

We would grow the bounties of bliss and life

Not just for a hundred autumns

But for many years beyond

Gautama Rahugana’s hymn

Let the winds waft sweetness

Let the rivers sprinkle sweetness

Let our vegetables brim with honey

Let our nights be nights of joy

Let our days be days of happiness

Let even the dust beneath our feet

Turn into honey and joy

Let the skies bestow veneration

Let our hearts sing with joy

Let the trees be full of honey

Let the Sun spread sweetness all around

Let all directions brim with honey


Our ears would listen to what is sweet and good

Our eyes would see what is just and pure

We would exercise and make our bodies strong

We would pray to our Gods

And lead a life happy and long


God! You are so full of light

Bestow upon me your light

God! You are so full of strength

Let me have some of your strength

God! You are the epitome of valour

Let me have some of your valour

God! You are full of force

Let me have some of your force

God! You punish wrongdoing

Let me have the courage to stop all wrongs

God! You are patience

Let me have some of your patience


Rishi Atreya

Let Mitra and Varuna bring happiness

Let Revati bring joy

Let Indra bestow peace and prosperity

Let Aditi do the same


To Agni

Oh! Luminous fire

The smoke of sins does not besmear you

Forever awake,

You neither sleep nor dream

You are constantly on the move

Oh! You glorious God

You are working non-stop

Broken neither by waves of sorrows

Neither by tides of suffering

Never tired of work and movement

Give us your power and action

Give us your speed and movement

Protect us Agni! Give us prosperity!

Oh! God

Give sight to my eyes

But not just to my eyes,

Give sight to my limbs too

So that I may roam the immensity of this world

And soak in its glory





